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Shirley J. Heald

1/28/1933 - 12/6/2024


Obituary For Shirley J. Heald

Shirley was born in Pierre, SD to Art and Lillian Johannes. The family moved to Huron, SD where her brothers, Bob and Jerry were born. She graduated from Huron High School the second in her class then graduated from Huron College with a B.A. degree in English and Elementary Education. Shirley worked in the public library while in High School and throughout her college years to pay for her tuition, books and living expenses. Because she enjoyed the library atmosphere, her goal was to learn more about Library Science. She taught fifth grade in Miller, SD from 1954-1956. Then taught for four years at Watertown Jr. High School. Afterword she was awarded a $300 Federal Grant to continue studies to become certified in South Dakota in Library Science. Shirley attended the University of Minnesota at St. Paul to fulfill those requirements. To gain experience and with a Library Science certificate in hand, she then worked at the State Library in Pierre. Subsequently, she moved to Rapid City where she taught fifth grade at Grandview Elementary School and was Librarian at West Jr. High School.

In the community Shirley and her family have been members of South Canyon Lutheran Church since it was a very small congregation. For years, she has been singing in the choir, organizing the library and teaching Sunday School. She has been a member for 38 years of Golden Link Chapter #14, Order of Eastern Star. A past president of Business and Professional Women Club and a 60-year member and past president of the Rapid City Branch of the American Association of University Women. In 2000 the Rapid City Branch was failing. It needed a leader. No one volunteered. This dilemma continued for several months. Finally, she volunteered to be president because she did not want this branch to go under. She subsequently remained its president for two years ensuring its continued growth. Today it is the only branch left in the West River area. Happily, the Branch is growing again and now has over 100 members. It was Shirley's love of AAUW and her unwavering altruism that provided it with the bridge that was needed for this growth.

Shirley married Jim Heald, who owns Heald Land Surveying. They have been married for 59 years and have two sons, Tim and Tom (Tom died in 2009).

She is survived by her husband, Jim, son, Tim, Grandson, Tyler (Jordann) Heald, Granddaughter, Victoria (Matt) Tschetter and four great grand kids, Cannon, Aurora, Laramie and Kendric.

Funeral services will be held on Friday, December 13, 2024 at 11:00am at Behrens-Wilson Funeral Home, 632 Saint Francis St., Rapid City, South Dakota. Burial will follow at Mountain View Cemetery, 1901 Mountain View Rd., Rapid City, South Dakota.

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13 Dec


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Behrens-Wilson Funeral Home 632 Saint Francis St. Rapid City, SD 57701 Get Directions »
13 Dec

Funeral Service

11:00 AM

Behrens-Wilson Funeral Home 632 Saint Francis St. Rapid City, SD 57701 Get Directions »
13 Dec

Graveside service

12:00 PM

Mountain View Cemetery 1901 Sheridan Lake Rd Rapid City, South Dakota 57702 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 12/18/2024

    Mrs. Heald was librarian when I was a student at West Junior High long ago. I belonged to the library club and will always remember her fondly. My sincere condolences on your loss.

  • 12/13/2024

    I am sending sympathy on behalf of the current AAUW branch. We certainly honor Shirley and are so grateful that she stepped up in service and kept the branch going. As many of us are involved in education and the promotion of women to be the best version of themselves, she stands as a shining example.

  • 12/12/2024

    I always enjoyed singing with Shirley in the SCLC choir and missed her being part of the choir when she had to drop out. Will miss seeing her in worship. Prayers to all the family. Myra

  • 12/12/2024

    Dear Jim, So sorry to learn about Shirley's passing. I have good memories of you both in Golden Link. She was always so gracious with a lovely smile. She will be missed by so many. Sincerely, Margaret Sager

  • 12/11/2024

    i will miss shirley..we could reminisce about growing up in memories! and always loved hearing her tell how she and jim met..a true love story that is never-ending. shirley's hats always had a good story attached to them ..she knew every one. a wonderful happy i got to know her!

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